all postcodes in YO8 / SELBY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO8 8AA 1 1 53.77905 -1.064537
YO8 8AB 10 0 53.778387 -1.063671
YO8 8AD 18 0 53.777626 -1.064098
YO8 8AE 3 1 53.777083 -1.063579
YO8 8AG 35 11 53.780988 -1.060684
YO8 8AH 7 0 53.778285 -1.055251
YO8 8AJ 37 0 53.777147 -1.054533
YO8 8AL 60 1 53.774624 -1.058338
YO8 8AN 46 5 53.77894 -1.052808
YO8 8AP 8 8 53.780186 -1.052325
YO8 8AQ 7 0 53.778723 -1.056015
YO8 8AR 4 0 53.779136 -1.051469
YO8 8AS 44 0 53.776956 -1.053126
YO8 8AT 1 1 53.775065 -1.051545
YO8 8AU 46 0 53.776847 -1.05413
YO8 8AW 36 1 53.779509 -1.051976
YO8 8AX 10 0 53.774822 -1.054965
YO8 8AY 58 0 53.773691 -1.05848
YO8 8AZ 52 0 53.774255 -1.05821
YO8 8BA 46 0 53.773447 -1.062977